Trail Running and Photography in Central Oregon
This last week, Lynsey and I got to go to Central Oregon for a few days on vacation. While there we did 3 trail runs. The First along the Metolious river, the second along the Dechutes river, and the third around Smith Rock. Today we topped it off with about a 10 mile trail run along the banks to Vernonia rails to trails. So 4 trail runs in a week . . . good vacation. While in Central Oregon there was a fire forest fire burning near sisters. For some whose homes were in danger it is scary, and a tragedy. But for me as a photographer, it was about as good as it gets. The picture above is one of about 1000 images I took over the last few days. On top of pictures at sunset, after our trail run at Smith Rock, the beauty of the place inspired me to get up at 4:30 in the morning to go get some sunrise pictures of Smith Rock.
I would like to invite you to view 18 of my favorite images from this last week . . . just click here.
If you are interested in purchasing any of these images on canvas or as framed art, just let me know.
If you would like to see our family vacation photos (almost all unedited snap shots), which includes some pictures of our trail runs. Just click here.
Enjoy Summer!