Back at it
December is over. I had a great month, but it was extremely busy. I visited my brother up in Washington (encouraged him to blog--I hope he does), my Dad and Mom came up from california for Christmas, We had some friends spend the night with us New Years, and Lynsey my wife had a ton of Jewelery shows and did great.
I am looking forward to the beginning of this New Year, and looking forward to getting more consistent once again at blogging through the gospels (Exploring the Kingdom of God, and the message of the gospel).
I am at Luke 13 today. Jesus uses two metaphors for the Kingdom of God, a mustard seed which is very small but grows into a huge plant that birds can perch in. And yeast, where very little works through the whole dough.
The way I understand that, Jesus is saying that the nature of the kingdom starts small at spreads into something wonderful. It starts with one man. Jesus. spreads to the disciples, and before long it is all over the world.
It makes me think about how just one of us, who intently seeks to grow God's kingdom, how much impact that can have with consistency and time and the Holy Spirit causing the growth.
Join the kingdom through weakness rather than power.
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