Grace and Truth
"How can we find a balance between grace and truth?"
But this morning as I read, I wondered if we have been asking the right question. "Balance?" This gives the impression that grace and truth are at odds, almost like a tug of war . . . You go too far with grace you lose truth, you go too far with truth you lose grace. This is how I have always seen it, but I wonder if I have always seen it wrong.
As I read John 1:14 it seems like Jesus embodied the fullness of Grace, and the fullness of truth. Not that he was trying to keep them in balance, but that he took both of them to the highest point. Think about it. Can you think of a person who was more gracious than Jesus, or a person who embodied truth more than Jesus?
It makes we wonder if we need to change the one question from "How can we balance grace and truth?" into two questions, "How can we extend grace to the fullest possible scenario?" and after we answer that question ask, "How can we embody truth in the fullest way possible without taking grace back?" If we can find answers in a way that grace and truth aren't competing but complementing, maybe we will be on to something. Maybe we will take a huge step in becoming more like Jesus.
Grace has to be shocking. It always was in Jesus ministry. And the fullness of truth when we deeply understand it is that we need grace.