Our King
The Gospels are astounding to me. What king throughout history would do the things that the lowest servant in the house would do? King's have a set way of ruling, a way that makes them look powerful and in control. That there is something different about them that should invoke awe and distance.
But here (John 13) Jesus, the king of the universe, rather than adding to his glory, he takes on the job of the lowest servant in the house (washing the feet of his guests). Now back then when you walked everywhere on dusty roads wearing sandals, that meant something.
So he washes there feet and says these words, "Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another's feet. I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you."
To be in the kingdom, to follow the example of the king, means to humble yourself. To serve each other in the ways that no one else wants to. This is our king. Who wouldn't want to serve a king like that?
Moving from heaven to earth and taking the form of humanity was a huge step in humility. But that wasn't enough, he also took the place of the lowest of human (the lowest servant).
But here (John 13) Jesus, the king of the universe, rather than adding to his glory, he takes on the job of the lowest servant in the house (washing the feet of his guests). Now back then when you walked everywhere on dusty roads wearing sandals, that meant something.
So he washes there feet and says these words, "Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another's feet. I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you."
To be in the kingdom, to follow the example of the king, means to humble yourself. To serve each other in the ways that no one else wants to. This is our king. Who wouldn't want to serve a king like that?
Moving from heaven to earth and taking the form of humanity was a huge step in humility. But that wasn't enough, he also took the place of the lowest of human (the lowest servant).
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